
Working With JCDecaux to Promote Safe Riding

Spin JCDecaux billboard

Taking Rider Safety to the Next Level with Strategic Messaging Placement

Have you ever heard of JCDecaux? Even if the name doesn’t ring a bell, chances are you know of them indirectly. They have over 1 million billboards in more than 80 countries worldwide, and their messages reach 890 million people every day.

At Spin, given our ongoing commitment to promote rider safety and raise awareness, we naturally saw a perfect opportunity to leverage JCDecaux’s immense visibility to educate and inform our customers.

Recently, we purchased some JCDecaux out-of-home billboard inventory directly adjacent to one of our Milton Keynes deployment points (a designated spot where our scooters are deployed each morning). That means that when a first-time rider hops on a Spin scooter for their initial voyage, vital information about safe riding is going to be directly in their sightline. Riders are reminded to wear a helmet, refrain from sidewalk riding, park responsibly, wash hands, and wear a face covering. They are also provided a scannable QR code and promo for £5 off their first ride.

Additionally, we use the ad space to ensure that National Health Service workers throughout Milton Keynes are aware that they can register to receive free scooter rides, which increases community safety by reducing their exposure to public transport.

Along with purchasing ad space near deployment points in Milton Keynes, we have an even greater vision for this partnership: By building an alliance with JCDecaux now, we are creating the future potential for promoting Spin safety information at key transportation hubs throughout the United Kingdom.

Further establishing our relationship, JCDecaux accepted us into their Nurture program, which provides marketing mentoring, audience insight, creative support, and matching funds for businesses looking to build awareness.

Building awareness of our safety messaging is, indeed, our goal. But how effective is out-of-home advertising, we wondered. According to a Nielsen study, the answer is — very effective. The study found that:

  • 91% of people over the age of 16, in general, are reached by out-of-home advertising.
  • In the month of the survey, 80% of respondents said they noticed an OOH ad.
  • 82% of viewers make a point to look at the advertising message.

Partnering with a world-renowned company to provide high-visibility safety messages — using a proven medium — results in an educated and informed public. And an educated and informed public unlocks the greatest potential for micromobility. Safety-focused illuminated billboards provide the perfect backdrop for our convenient, affordable, accessible, and environmentally-friendly transportation solution.

Partner With Spin.

Spin is transforming cities and communities by offering accessible, affordable and sustainable forms of personal mobility.

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