We Do The Right Thing

One of our mottos is to do the right thing, and that means we take the high road and don’t take wrong turns. We do what’s right, not what’s easy by holding each other to high standards of integrity.

We Work On The Road Ahead

We focus on creating a better tomorrow. Everything we do—from developing energy-sustainable mobility, investing in our team's growth, to building trust with cities and customers—is with a long-term mindset.

We Embrace Diversity

We embrace each other’s differences and celebrate the  diversity of our thoughts, expression, and preferences. We work tirelessly to support and ensure the safety of our riders, employees and partners.

We Act Like Owners

We empower each other to have a deep sense of ownership and accountability in the work that we do.  We collaborate to make decisions that result in the best outcomes for not only Spin but also the communities we serve.

We Default to Trust

Trust is the glue to what we do at Spin. Our founders lead by trusting in the potential of what we can achieve together. In turn we have confidence in each other to do what we say we’ll do.

Life at Spin

Supporting the wellbeing of our employees helps shape our company culture. As such, we offer a number of generous perks and benefits.

Work-life Benefits

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Paid Time Off

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Health Benefits

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Spin invests in its employees by supporting them to follow career paths that help meet their goals.

Culture & Diversity


We enjoy what we do, and we celebrate hard work with a variety of fun events each quarter. From hosting relaxing massage days to organizing Ping-Pong tournaments, our employees have access to a wide range of engaging activities.

Someone riding a spin scooter away from a food truck
A group of people enjoying a meal in a restaurant.
Two Spin team members setting up a scooter
Many people posing with Spin Scooters outside a train station
Women using the Spin Scooter valet service
The Spin team gathered around a meeting table
Some members of the Spin team posing for a photograph

Explore Our Teams

Our rapidly growing team of over 700 members is working tirelessly to improve the world of mobility! Come join our diverse group of experienced professionals from Y Combinator, academia, government and private sectors, and the transportation advocacy world!




Senior Data Scientist - Algorithms

Senior Data Scientist - Analytics

Senior Data Science Manager - Analytics


Fleet Operations


Senior Data Scientist - Algorithms


Operations - HQ


Senior Data Science Manager - Analytics

Senior Data Scientist - Analytics

Senior Data Scientist - Algorithms


Finance & Accounting

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People Operations & Recruiting

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Business Development & Policy

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Senior Data Science Manager - Analytics

Senior Data Scientist - Algorithms

Senior Data Scientist - Analytics

Partner With Spin.

Spin is transforming cities and communities by offering accessible, affordable and sustainable forms of personal mobility.

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