
The new Spin

Lady riding a bike

With a new year comes new innovations. Spin is thrilled to announce its next innovation in urban mobility — the dockless electric bicycle! Orange is now electric.

We have spent 2017 designing this new product and cannot wait to provide it to cities and campuses across North America. Electric bicycles, or e-bikes, have been shown to break down barriers to biking including hills, disabilities, age, and distance. The result? A larger population choosing to go by bike. Spin has already made waves across the US in advancing urban mobility, and it’s time for another boost.

In the long-term, we see e-bikes as a key component of Spin’s 21st century multimodal mobility network made up of traditional bikes, e-bikes, and accessible vehicles.

About the bike

Spin’s e-bike is designed to make your ride easier and more comfortable, while still providing the convenience of dockless bike share technology. The bicycle can go 50 miles with a full charge and has batteries that can be easily swapped by Spin crews. The 250W motor provides riders with pedal-assist power, meaning you have to pedal to get the motor-assist, up to 15mph.

Plan for launch

Spin plans to launch our e-bike with select partners, and we are always on the lookout for communities that want to amplify their community’s transportation options.

Whether you are already a Spin city or campus, contact us at to get started working on the future of transportation with us!

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Partner With Spin.

Spin is transforming cities and communities by offering accessible, affordable and sustainable forms of personal mobility.

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