
Standing by COVID-19 Everyday Heroes

Woman riding a Spin scooter

Free Spin Rides for Healthcare Workers

Across the world, healthcare workers are laboring tirelessly and courageously on the front lines to fight COVID-19. We are incredibly grateful for these individuals and want to do our part to help them get to and from work safely.

As some cities scale back their public transit services, and deem scooters as essential, we’re here to step in and offer a socially-distanced transportation option in our current operating markets.

As a token of our appreciation and support, we are providing free rides and helmets for healthcare workers in the cities we are currently servicing. Healthcare workers in these cities— including doctors, nurses, medical assistants, hospital and clinic administrators, janitors, and anyone else who works in a healthcare facility — are eligible.

The process for signing up is quick and easy. Once an applicant is verified, they will receive unlimited free 30-minute rides, through May 31st**. Participants can also sign up to get a free helmet through our online store. Additionally, we are working to expand this benefit to other essential workers in the near future.

Our government partners in our operating cities understand the unique benefit of our micromobility services, in this situation, and have been very appreciative and supportive of our efforts. The Chair of City Council in Tampa, Florida, Luis Viera, for example, explained, “We are so grateful to Spin for stepping up and supporting our community by providing free rides for all healthcare workers.” He continued, “We are looking to do everything we can to support these individuals right now, and safe and affordable transportation to and from work is an absolute must.”

Along with this initiative, we are working hard to optimize our deployment locations near hospitals and health facilities. In Detroit, for instance, many healthcare workers have shared concerns about using hospital shuttles to travel across campuses. So in partnership with Henry Ford Hospital and Detroit Medical Center, we are refocusing our deployment to ensure healthcare workers have an option that allows them to socially distance themselves as they travel to, from and throughout hospital campuses.

In providing our scooters for these essential trips, it’s imperative that our riders and employees feel safe, so we are diligently working to ensure that our service supports the health and wellness of all involved. We continue to take aggressive sanitization and safety protocols, by following the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) guidance. (For more information about our COVID-19 health and safety protocols, click here.)

If you or anyone you know is a healthcare worker and would like to utilize the benefits of this program, please visit for details and to sign up.

And to all the healthcare workers out there, we want to say thank you for everything you do, and we stand behind you.

**Spin has extended its Everyday Heroes program to May 31st.

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Partner With Spin.

Spin is transforming cities and communities by offering accessible, affordable and sustainable forms of personal mobility.

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