
Spotlight: Spin’s Game-Changing Podcast

Spotlight presented by Spin

Interviews With Visionaries Making Bold Impacts in Society

Earlier this year, we launched our podcast and video series called Spotlight, which was inspired by our journey of reimaging mobility.

As vanguards in our industry, trailblazing lives in our DNA. We were the first company to introduce dockless mobility to the United States, and we are comprised of individuals who are motivated by making an impact and inspired by changing the game. It was with this in mind that we created Spotlight, where we interview mavericks who are making bold moves in society, breaking barriers, and doing things differently.

Each episode, recorded at our Spin studio, dives into the work of our interviewees to learn how they buck trends and move to the beat of their own drum. We’ve had guests from the world of business, art, sports, technology, and more. The interviews are conducted by Spin employees, including our President and Co-Founder Euwyn Poon and our Head of Marketing Cam Mullen.

With Spotlight, we’re here to:

  • Inspire our audience by introducing them to these phenomenal individuals and exposing them to new ideas
  • Empower our guests by giving them a platform to share their stories and journeys.
  • Educate ourselves by listening closely and gleaning insights that we can apply to our own journey.

In our first episode, our President, Euwyn Poon, interviewed content mastermind and award-winning photographer, artist, and activist, Ben von Wong.

Ben was a hard rock mining engineer until he eventually followed his true calling as a creative. As a commercial artist, he reached great heights. In 2015, he worked on a global campaign and made more money on that one project than he’d made in his entire career up to that point. His face was on 2-story billboards in London, and his videos were playing before movies in cinemas all across Malaysia. After the project was completed, though, in spite of the commercial success, he thought to himself, “Wow, that sucked.”

He longed for his work to have more meaning, and he wanted to give back. So from that point on, he dedicated himself to causes with larger social impact. In collaborations with brands, like Dell and Starbucks, he’s created high-level multimedia campaigns highlighting pressing issues, such as the growing problem of electronic waste and single-use plastic.

In another episode, we talked to Katie Sowers, the second-ever full-time female coach in the NFL, and only openly gay one. Growing up, her dad was a coach and a teacher, and she always knew she wanted to follow in his footsteps. However, even though she thought of herself as progressive, Katie didn’t consider professional coaching as an option until she saw Becky Hammond on the NBA sidelines, at which point she posted on her Facebook page: NFL, I’m coming for you. And as her story attests, she really meant it!

Ben Von Wong and Katie Sowers headlined a lineup that also included professional beatboxer SpencerX, YouTube sensation Markian B, K-pop talent manager Eddie Nam, musician/producer 3LAU, founders of Ikonick Jeff Cole and Mark Mastrandea, musician and Sirius XM host Symon, and founder of Level Foods, Elle Leonard.

It’s individuals like these, and stories like the ones above, that inspired us to create this platform and explore the ingredients of innovation. At Spin, we dream of a better tomorrow, a future where cities are designed for people to thrive and where transportation nurtures opportunity and creativity. In order to move beyond the limits of what we think is possible, it’s invaluable to spotlight people who push boundaries, follow their hearts, and dare to believe in the impossible.

And 2019 was just the tip of the iceberg; we’ve got some powerhouse guests on tap for you in 2020 — so be sure to subscribe to our Youtube channel and look for Spotlight on Apple Podcasts and Spotify!

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Spin is transforming cities and communities by offering accessible, affordable and sustainable forms of personal mobility.

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