
Spin to Vote: The Results

Spin to Vote: The Results

The United States saw record turnout nationally for this year’s election, with over 160 million people casting their vote on November 3rd. Our Spin to Vote campaign was established to help support that turnout and make sure people have a safe, socially-distant way to get to their polling locations.

“I didn’t have to worry about parking at the polling place. It was packed.”
- Rider in Akron, Ohio

This year’s Spin To Vote campaign has been a huge success with thousands of riders using our promo code to access a $10 ride credit on Election Day, saving riders thousands of dollars nationwide. In addition to seeing riders take advantage of our free ride offer, we also saw an overall increase in trips. When comparing the previous Tuesday (10/27) to Election Day (11/3) we saw a 31.45 percent overall increase in ridership nationwide. Below are some of the cities with the highest increases in ridership along with the top ten cities and campuses where the SPINTOVOTE discount was used.

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Spin conducted a survey of Spin To Vote riders. Preliminary findings show that 21 percent of people surveyed would’ve used a personal car to get to their polling station, and 16 percent said they would’ve used ride-share services.

We’re grateful to State Voices local chapters, the NAACP and Urban League’s local Cleveland Chapter, NABSA, and all of our partners who helped us spread the word about Spin to Vote. We’re proud to do our part in supporting anyone who wanted to exercise their civic duty during the 2020 election season.

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Spin is transforming cities and communities by offering accessible, affordable and sustainable forms of personal mobility.

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