
Spin to Vote: Providing Safe and Accessible Transportation to the Polls

Spin to Vote: Providing Safe and Accessible Transportation to the Polls

Access to transportation is one of the many barriers preventing people from getting out to vote. In fact, nearly thirty percent of eligible voters under the age of 30 cited access to transportation as the reason why they did not vote in 2016. This year, in particular, COVID-19 presents even more challenges — polling sites are consolidating and fewer people are volunteering to be poll workers due to health safety concerns.

As a transportation service provider that offers a socially distant ride, we have a unique opportunity to help ensure everyone has access to safe, affordable and sustainable transportation in order to exercise one’s right to vote.

On November 3rd we’re offering $10 in ride credits using the code SPINTOVOTE* in most cities and campuses where we currently operate. Riders can use credit to go to and from their polling locations on Election Day.

Additionally, Spin is partnering with State Voices and its local affiliates in six markets including Alexandria, VA; Arlington, VA; Atlanta, GA; Louisville, KY; Memphis, TN; Tampa, FL, and the NAACP and Urban League’s local Cleveland Chapter. The company is also participating in the North American Bikeshare Association’s (NABSA) Roll to the Polls campaign. On campuses, Spin is working with students at Duke University, Purdue University, University of Akron, and Texas State University to support Get Out the Vote efforts.

Check out a full list of what Spin is doing to support our riders, employees and local communities on Election Day:

  • Providing Information on How to Register to Vote/Polling Locations: All of our riders will receive information on how to register to vote and polling locations ahead of Election Day.
  • Routing to the Polls: Spin’s Destinations feature will allow riders to enter in the address of their polling location and map out their trip. Riders can select from a few routes that are optimized for bike lanes and safer, quieter streets.
  • Refocusing Deployments: With our local partner’s support, we are refocusing fleet deployments to help boost voter turnout. This includes but is not limited to deploying at closed polling places, at transit stops, and in neighborhoods that don’t have access to public transportation.
  • Offering Time Off for Employees to Vote: All full-time employees will have the day off on Tuesday, November 3, and all local Fleet Operations Teams can take a couple of hours off to vote.

We are excited to do our part in helping anyone, who wants to vote, exercise their rights this election season.

*Promo code is only valid on November 3rd

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Spin is transforming cities and communities by offering accessible, affordable and sustainable forms of personal mobility.

* Indicates a required field.

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