
Spin Selected as One of Milton Keynes’ First Public Hire E-scooter Operators

Spin Selected as One of Milton Keynes’ First Public Hire E-scooter Operators

July 24, 2020 — Milton Keynes Council has selected Spin — the micromobility unit of Ford Motor Company — to provide electric scooters for public hire across the town, with vehicles being available for the local community to hire within weeks.

Spin has been in discussions with local authorities across the UK with regard to launching their e-scooter services as part of the Department of Transport’s (DfT) national e-scooter trials. In Milton Keynes, Spin was selected alongside two other providers as part of a highly competitive selection process. Pending DfT sign off and final discussions with Milton Keynes Spin is aiming to launch within a few weeks time.

Spin will work with Milton Keynes Council to trial this new transport mode that provides choice, accessibility and smart methods of travel for local residents. E-scooters are a reliable, inexpensive and accessible choice that provide a great alternative to cars and public transport. Spin will be deploying potentially hundreds of scooters across the town.

Brian Matthews, Head of Transport Innovation at Milton Keynes Council said, “We are committed to bringing new and innovative transport solutions to Milton Keynes and are delighted to announce Spin as our first e-scooter operator. This safe, modern and efficient transport system will help meet the demands of our residents for more convenient and green modes of travel.”

“Spin is thrilled to launch e-scooters in its sixth international city and second European country in the past two months. Communities around the world are recognizing the importance of two-wheel, sustainable transportation. We are looking forward to partnering with Milton Keynes to offer our service within the next few weeks,” said Felix Petersen, Head of Europe at Spin.

Milton Keynes is ideally designed for the use of micromobility modes due to its grid and district system. Spin will encourage users to make use of the town’s redways that provide great connectivity across the town.

“Milton Keynes has always been at the forefront of technology adoption and it’s fitting that it’s one of the first local authorities to roll-out e-scooters. Spin will offer a new transport mode to assist the Council in connecting its residents to key destinations across the town,” said Will Woodward, Government Affairs Manager at Spin.

Spin works closely with local authorities to roll-out its fleets safely and sustainably. New riders must view a comprehensive set of rules and instructions before they can take their first ride. The Spin App is customised to each town or city’s specific rules and needs. The company also hosts Spin Safe safety events and partners with local businesses on promotional events to support local initiatives.


About Spin

Headquartered in San Francisco, California, Spin is one of the leading micromobility companies and a unit of Ford Mobility. Spin has been recognized for launching the first stationless mobility program in the United States and was instrumental in crafting the world’s first mobility permit system. As a trusted and reliable partner, Spin currently operates electric scooters in many cities and universities nationwide and is the exclusive operator in dozens of markets. Spin consists of a diverse team of experienced professionals from government and private sectors, and the transportation advocacy world, all of whom are committed to fulfilling the company’s mission — giving people the freedom to move and bringing people, communities, and their urban environment closer together.

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Spin is transforming cities and communities by offering accessible, affordable and sustainable forms of personal mobility.

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