
Spin Partners with The City of Austin

Spin e-bike image

We’re announcing an important milestone for bike-sharing services. Spin has partnered with the City of Austin to pilot the first ever city-sanctioned station-less bike-share service.

As of today, Spin is the only official station-less bike-share partner of the City of Austin. I worked closely with our CEO Derrick and our friends at the Austin Transportation Department to design a plan that will ensure for the smooth, safe deployment of a station-less bike-share system that will change the way people move about in the city. Already we’re hearing incredible feedback from our users, including, SXSW go-ers, students and locals, for this convenient mode of last mile transportation.

As part of the pilot, we will:

  • Run professional operations and ensure that bikes are always parked in responsible locations and any maintenance issues are addressed swiftly.
  • Listen to feedback from our users, the local community, and the city.
  • Work closely with the ATD by collaborating over anonymized trip information we provide them.

When Derrick, Zhuang and I first conceived the idea just a few short months ago, we had little idea as to how a city would react to this radical concept. As someone who spends a fair bit of the year in Austin, it’s incredibly exciting to see this progressive city move quickly to embrace a new transportation model that will greatly benefit its residents. We look forward to making Spin succeed in Austin, then in other cities around the country.

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Partner With Spin.

Spin is transforming cities and communities by offering accessible, affordable and sustainable forms of personal mobility.

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