
Spin partners with Cityteam San Francisco to provide jobs to local residents

City Team Igniting Hope Restoring Lives

When we started Spin, we made equity and accessibility part of our core values, and that extends beyond transportation into our local hiring practices. That’s why we are excited to announce a partnership with Cityteam San Francisco.

Cityteam is a nonprofit that seeks to help local community members who are struggling with homelessness, poverty and addiction. As part of their program, they provide shelter to homeless men, and help combat addiction, further their education, and secure employment.

“We believe it is important that San Francisco continue to foster an environment where all residents can benefit from the economic vitality and opportunity that startups like Spin offer,” said Christophe Nussbaumer, the operations and learning center manager at Cityteam San Francisco, in a letter of support to the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency. “Spin has proven to us that they are a good community member by proactively working with us and putting our residents back to work.”

During our pilot in San Francisco, we provided job opportunities to Cityteam participants who had completed a one-year rehabilitation program, and were seeking to reintegrate themselves into society.

“From day one, the team at Spin has been great to me and my colleagues from Cityteam,” said Josh, a Spin operations associate from Cityteam. “They’ve given me a fair chance regardless of my rough background. Because of my employment at Spin, I’ve not only had the opportunity to integrate back into the workforce after my rehab program, but I’ve also been reminded of how good responsibility and a good day’s work can feel.”

“Spin was the first company, regardless of my past history and circumstances, which allowed for me to prove to myself and others that I can be a functioning member and gave me the opportunity to present and build work ethic, character, responsibility and integrity,” said Max, another Spin operations associate. “I was no longer an image of my past but a product of my future. While working for Spin I have grown and advanced as an employee, a human being, and in my recovery.”

Spin was born and raised in San Francisco, so it has been a priority for us to engage our local community, especially those faced with inequity. We look forward to resuming operations in San Francisco, and build upon our partnership with Cityteam to bring job opportunities to all members of our community.

Partner With Spin.

Spin is transforming cities and communities by offering accessible, affordable and sustainable forms of personal mobility.

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