
Spin launches in San Francisco with WeWork


Spin, the leading stationless bikeshare company in North America, today announced the launch of San Francisco’s first corporate stationless bikeshare in partnership with coworking space operator WeWork. The launch comes as the company continues discussions with city officials about a comprehensive citywide launch.

Starting today, Spin’s solar-powered, GPS-enabled, self-locking smart bikes will be distributed across all 10 of WeWork’s locations in San Francisco to provide an innovative mode of transportation for local WeWork members and staff. Unlike traditional bikeshare systems, Spin’s stationless bikes do not require bulky, fixed racks, can be parked anywhere, and won’t cost the city a penny.

“After leading the way in Seattle, Dallas and New York City, we are thrilled to launch San Francisco’s first stationless bike share pilot in partnership with WeWork ” said Spin co-founder and President Euwyn Poon. “Spin is all about working closely with local governments to provide local residents our innovative model of transportation.”

Coming on the heels of successful launches in Seattle, Dallas, South San Francisco, and Mountain View, CA., San Francisco-based Spin will deploy an initial fleet of 50 bikes for San Francisco WeWork members and staff, with plans to scale up after that. The bikes will be initially distributed at all 10 of WeWork’s locations in San Francisco. Spin’s local team will manage operations, balance bike distribution, and monitor usage to ensure high service standards.

“WeWork is excited to partner with Spin on this innovative new offering across our 10 locations throughout San Francisco,” said Elton Kwok, WeWork’s Northern California General Manager. “Visiting a WeWork location in San Francisco will be that much easier with access to Spin bikes, and we are so pleased we can offer yet another great perk to our members and employees.”

Following the company’s $8M Series A funding round in May, just months after it’s founding, Spin’s San Francisco debut continues the company’s rapid growth trajectory and marks an important milestone for the adoption of stationless bikeshare across the United States.

Partner With Spin.

Spin is transforming cities and communities by offering accessible, affordable and sustainable forms of personal mobility.

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