
Spin Launches Charlotte’s First Stationless Smart Bikeshare System

Charlotte, NC city skyline

Charlotte, NC November 8, 2017 — Spin, the leading stationless bikeshare company in North America, today announced their launch in Charlotte. Starting today, Spin’s solar-powered, GPS-enabled, self-locking smart bikes will be deployed throughout the city to provide residents an eco-friendly, cost saving alternative to conventional modes of transportation. Unlike traditional bikeshare systems, Spin’s dockless bikes aren’t restricted by fixed racks, can be picked-up and parked anywhere and aren’t an expense for the city.

“Charlotte is one of America’s fastest growing cities. We are excited to introduce our innovative technology to it’s residents, and work with the city’s forward-thinking leaders to enhance Charlotte’s unique cityscape,” said Spin co-founder and CEO Derrick Ko. “Charlotte is an incredible place to work, live, and play and we look forward to growing with the region.”

Spin will kick off service with 500 bikes and plans to introduce more in the near future as the permit allows. Spin is the perfect complement to Charlotte’s existing public transportation system, and a great alternative for residents looking to customize their commute to make it more convenient. In addition, the company is seeking local businesses to partner with for their Spin Access and Spin Local programs which enables riders without smartphones or credit cards to unlock and ride and drives our riders to local businesses.

Following the company’s announcement of its $8M Series A funding round in May, Spin’s Charlotte launch continues the company’s rapid growth trajectory, and is the company’s fourth launch in the past month, following Rochester Institute of Technology and Furman University. In addition to Charlotte, Spin has launched in major U.S. markets including Aurora, Washington, D.C., Dallas, Durham, Seattle, Silicon Valley, and South San Francisco.

Media Contact: Kemba Neptune,

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Spin is transforming cities and communities by offering accessible, affordable and sustainable forms of personal mobility.

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