
Spin Joins #StopHateForProfit Movement

Spin Joins #StopHateForProfit Movement

Since our founding, Spin has strived to do the right thing. The right thing for us has always centered around taking care of our customers, communities and employees.

Hate speech, violence and racial injustice have continued to overtake social media pages across the world, untouched without any accountability. This is unacceptable and we want to make it clear that we stand against hate and bigotry that continues to be perpetuated on these platforms without action.

For this reason, we’re joining hundreds of companies participating in the #StopHateForProfit movement by withdrawing all national advertising dollars spent on Facebook and Instagram for the next 30 days. During this time, we will be re-evaluating our presence on these platforms. The existence of content that includes hate speech, violence and racial injustice on social platforms needs to be eradicated.

Spin has a responsibility to create an inclusive society and actively engage in initiatives to support diverse communities and voices. We commit to calling out hateful speech on our social media platforms and plan to establish an internal review committee to ensure we are held accountable.

This builds off of our June commitment to standing in solidarity with our Black employees and communities, demanding an end to racial injustice, oppression, hate, and violence.

As we said then, words without action are meaningless.

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