
Spin in the Rockaways


Spin is now the leading North American bikeshare company with 6 launches across the country. We’ve been incredibly encouraged with the success of our largest deployment in Seattle, and today, we’re excited to be announcing that we’re making our way out to the East Coast.

On Monday, August 12th, 11:15 am, at Beach 94th St. and Shore Front Parkway in Rockaway Beach, NY, we’ll be holding a press conference and demonstration with Council Member Eric Ulrich to announce our vision for Spin in the Rockaways.

We wanted to keep this quiet before the announcement, but it appears some of our friends were overly excited about this, and assumed that we’d be launching that day in Queens, Manhattan and Brooklyn. The news took us by surprise too. While we certainly want to see Spin in these boroughs, it is also core to Spin’s values that we collaborate closely with local city governments, as evidenced by our work in South San Francisco, Dallas and Seattle. Indeed, Spin led the way in discussions with the Seattle DOT on the landmark stationless bikeshare permit earlier this year.

Nevertheless, we’re excited about Monday’s event, where we will be educating the cycling constituency and press about how a next generation transportation system could work in the Rockaways and other communities underserved by transit. We do have planned discussions with NYC DOT to collaboratively bring our smart bikes to the rest of the City as well. We’re extremely grateful to the Rockaway community, and to Senator Addabbo, Assemblywoman Pheffer Amato and Council Member Ulrich for their support of the stationless bikeshare cause.

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Spin is transforming cities and communities by offering accessible, affordable and sustainable forms of personal mobility.

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