
Spin COVID-Update

Scooter Disinfecting Procedure

Communities around the world are dealing with the unprecedented challenges posed by COVID-19. At Spin, we are continuing to evaluate the impact of this crisis on our operations, employees, riders, and city and campus partners to determine how Spin can safely serve our communities amidst this ongoing public health concern.

We believe micromobility is necessary for some people now more than ever. Some individuals still must complete essential trips to and from hospitals, grocery stores and banks. In fact, we have seen local governments declare micromobilty an essential service, and we have seen individuals choose micromobilty over public transportation because it allows for social distancing.

In San Francisco, Baltimore and Detroit, local governments immediately saw the benefit micromobility could provide and deemed it essential. We have been working with these cities to create new deployment maps that align to essential travel needs including hospitals, transit stops, health clinics, and grocery stores. As public transit ridership plummets, many cities are looking to private companies to help fill in service gaps. For example, in the City of Detroit we helped fill in when the public bus system was shut down for a day. We continue to work with them to help offset reductions in their bus service by refocusing our fleet distribution to supplement the City’s transportation network.

To that end, we will continue operating in cities where we can make an impact and where the city is supporting our efforts to provide a transportation option for essential purposes. The cities where we will remain open include Alexandria, Austin*, Baltimore, Denver, Detroit, Los Angeles, Portland, salt Lake City, San Francisco, Tampa and Washington, DC. We will operate in these cities as long as it remains safe for our employees and the public.

We have made the decision to pause our operations, as of today, in all other cities due to significant demand drop off as communities combat the fast-spreading virus. This pause will remain in effect until further notice.

As always, the safety of our employees and our riders has been and will continue to be our top priority. Our sanitization practices and additional safety protocols are in accordance with the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) guidance, World Health Organization (WHO) and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and are actively carried out to keep our communities safe as we all weather this crisis together.

We continue to work closely with our city and campus partners, and we will keep you informed as we adapt to this rapidly changing environment.

Stay safe & healthy,

Euwyn, Derrick & Zaizhuang

Co-Founders, Spin

What Spin Is Doing:

Everyone involved in Spin’s operations is an employee of the company and has undergone extensive training to keep themselves and our riders safe during this time. This includes implementing aggressive sanitization protocols in our warehouses and out in the field.

  • Every time a scooter enters the warehouse and throughout the day, the upper mast and handlebars are disinfected. See an example of our disinfectant procedure below:
  • All employees are required to wear gloves and face shields. Spin is also providing employees with masks.
  • All high-traffic surfaces, in both Spin warehouses and out in the field, must be cleaned daily with disinfectant. These items include the truck cab of all Spin vans, tables, countertops, doorknobs, handles, tools, keyboards and employees’ phones.

A Few Steps Our Riders Can Take:

  • Stay home unless you must travel for essential services.
  • As recommended by the CDC, wear a cloth mask whenever you go outside.
  • Make sure to wash your hands before and after your ride with hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol or with soap if available. You can also wear gloves as a preventative measure.
  • For more information about COVID-19 and the precautionary measures you can take, please review the World Health Organization and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines.

Here are the following steps we are taking to support our employees:

  • To ensure our hourly employees are not choosing work over their health, we are providing five additional days of paid wellness leave that they can use as a precaution if they are feeling unwell.
  • Any hourly employee who has a confirmed case of COVID-19 will receive up to two weeks of paid wellness leave.
  • When operations are paused or reduced in active markets, required by the government or by Spin, all impacted hourly and salaried operations employees will receive up to twelve weeks in paid leave and remain on the company’s healthcare for the duration of the leave. **
  • We know this is an uncertain time for our employees. That’s why we’ve established an employee support hotline for questions, comments, or concerns regarding Spin’s COVID-19 response plan.

*As of 3/27, operations in Austin are paused until further notice. All other markets, Baltimore, Denver, Detroit, Los Angeles, Portland, San Francisco, Tampa and Washington, DC, remain open.

** As of 4/1, all employees in paused markets and some employees in active markets were notified that they would receive up to twelve weeks in paid leave and remain on Spin’s healthcare for the duration of the leave.

Partner With Spin.

Spin is transforming cities and communities by offering accessible, affordable and sustainable forms of personal mobility.

* Indicates a required field.

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