
Spin Arrives in Essex with Basildon Launch

Spin scooter riders in Basildon

We’re proud to announce today that starting December 7, residents of and visitors to Basildon will have an exciting — and safe — new transportation option available to them. Essex, is of particular historical importance for Spin. Since 1926, Ford — Spin’s parent company — has had a factory in Dagenham, just a 30-minute train ride from Basildon.

Now, nearly a century after that factory opened, Ford is innovating new modes of urban transportation with Spin. To start, the facility in Dagenham will serve as Spin’s first warehouse for storing and servicing e-scooters. As the program expands, we plan to work out of our own warehouse in Essex.

“As a transportation leader, offering all modes of sustainable future mobility is a priority. The majority of our employees, countless suppliers and other partners are Essex residents, who will also benefit from this exciting trial and the innovative technology changing private transport landscape Spin scooters will help to share,” said Graham Hoare, Ford of Britain chairman.

It is a point of pride at Spin that we work closely with the community and with local elected and administrative officials to ensure we are serving the communities where we operate in the best way possible.

“We are excited to launch the first of our Essex e-scooter trials in Basildon. Our aim is to develop an affordable and reliable service that gives the local community of more than 100,000 residents a more sustainable, fun and socially-distanced way to travel around the town,” said Steve Pyer, UK Country Manager at Spin.

Working closely with the Basildon and Essex County Council, Spin will launch with 50 shared e-scooters as part of the first phase of Essex’s shared e-scooter trial program. In collaboration with Basildon County, we will monitor the demand for e-scooters based on ridership and expand the service accordingly.

“This is an exciting initiative that offers an environmentally friendly travel option at a time when we are working hard to improve air quality in the borough,” said Councillor David Harrison, who chairs the Neighbourhoods and Public Spaces Committee.

His colleague, Councillor Jack Ferguson, who chairs the Strategic Planning and Infrastructure Committee, added, “We are committed to helping to facilitate travel and efficiency of movement across the borough and this scheme will be of particular benefit to commuters.”

Basildon is the first of several upcoming launches in Essex over the coming months and Spin is thrilled to be working with local officials to make sure things go smoothly and safely for all.

Spin will offer two of its benchmark programs to its riders in Basildon:

  • Everyday Heroes: All National Health Service (NHS) workers that work in a healthcare facility in Spin’s active trial locations will be eligible for 30-minute free rides.
  • Spin Access: For all who qualify for Spin Access, Spin provides subsidised fares — 50 percent off. To begin with, Spin Access will offer subsidised rates to unemployed and low-income riders registered with Jobcentre Plus and who have access to a Jobcentre Plus Discount Travel Card.

And, as always, we are committed to safety.

From Monday 7th December, the Spin team will be on the ground at St. Martins Square in Basildon to give a hand to those wanting to try the e-scooters. On Friday 11th and Saturday 12th December, Spin will be offering free e-scooter training provided by professional scooting company ScootFit. Those interested are advised to pre-book slots on this website. A small-number of walk-in slots will be available on both days. The Spin team will be following all government guidelines including social distancing and helmets will be provided which customers can keep.

For up to date information on where people can ride as well as not permitted areas users should visit the Spin App.

Partner With Spin.

Spin is transforming cities and communities by offering accessible, affordable and sustainable forms of personal mobility.

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