
Spin Arrives in Canada

Spin scooter in Canada

Spin launches in Edmonton, Alberta with more cities planned by the end of 2021

We are excited to launch our first city in Canada today with 450 scooters in Edmonton’s Downtown, Strathcona, and Oliver neighbourhoods.

With this launch, Spin now operates in four countries outside the U.S.

“Edmonton is our fourth international launch in the past year as we continue to see heavier adoption of micromobility services around the world,” said Derrick Ko, Spin co-founder and CEO. “We want to ensure people have multiple transit options available to ensure a seamless return to pre-pandemic routines. While we are kicking off in Edmonton, Spin also has plans to expand into other Canadian cities before the end of 2021.”

As in all cities where we operate, Spin scooters will give Edmonton residents and visitors a safe, socially-distant and sustainable mode of transportation as Alberta recently returned to Step 1 of COVID-19 restrictions.

With vaccine distribution still ongoing in Edmonton, Spin will offer healthcare professionals five free 30-minute scooter rides per day as part of its Everyday Heroes program.

We launched this program, available in the United States and the United Kingdom, last May to support the medical community and frontline healthcare workers in the ongoing fight against COVID-19. Edmonton riders will soon be able to visit our website to see if they qualify and sign up for the program.

We will also offer Spin Access, through which qualified riders of modest means can qualify for 50 percent discounts on rides. As with Everyday Heroes, Edmonton riders interested in the program will soon be able to check the website to see if they qualify.

Last year at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Spin adopted extensive health and safety measures for its employees to follow during operations, including increasing the frequency of disinfecting its scooters. Every time a scooter enters the warehouse or is redeployed on the street, the main contact points are disinfected.

Spin employees are also provided with personal protective equipment (PPE), including single-use face masks, safety glasses and gloves, which are worn during their shift. Although public health data suggests surface transmission of COVID-19 is unlikely, riders are encouraged to clean their hands with soap or hand sanitizer before and after each ride. Riders should also practice safe physical distancing and remain at least two metres away from other people while riding.

We look forward to serving the people of Edmonton!

Partner With Spin.

Spin is transforming cities and communities by offering accessible, affordable and sustainable forms of personal mobility.

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