
Spin Approved for Florida’s First Dockless Scooter Program

Two women riding Spin scooters

We’re thrilled to announce that Spin has been approved to launch scooters in Coral Gables, becoming the first and, thus far, only dockless scooter company to receive permission to operate in the State of Florida!

Over the past few months, we have worked closely with Coral Gables in accordance with our Partnership Promise to bring our affordable, accessible scooters to residents and visitors in a responsible way. We commend the City for embracing an innovative mobility solution on its own terms, not letting rogue companies dictate what the City should do. Unlike the various rogue launches in Miami-Dade by some companies over the past few months that have resulted in multiple cease-and-desist letters and a halt to operations, we believe working with the City from the beginning is the right way to ensure a sustainable mobility option for the public.

We are especially proud to be the exclusive operator in Coral Gables in recognition of our collaborative efforts, and we believe it is a testament to Spin’s partnership-first approach to growing the right way. See you on the streets.

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Partner With Spin.

Spin is transforming cities and communities by offering accessible, affordable and sustainable forms of personal mobility.

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