
Spin Access

People riding bikes

When we started Spin, we made equity and accessibility part of our core values. We want to provide everyone, in every neighborhood, a bike to ride.

Spin Access provides riders without smartphones or credit cards access to Spin bikes. It’s simple too. Riders just purchase Spin Access cards — with cash — at partner locations, and text the code on the card to a dedicated number to sign up. Once registered, it’s just a matter of texting the bike number to that very same number to unlock bikes.

We’re launching Spin Access in Seattle, in partnership with Bike Works, followed shortly by other markets. Bike Works is a fantastic non-profit that aims to make cycling accessible and affordable to the Seattle community, and we couldn’t have asked for a more perfect partner. Riders will be able to swing by Bike Works’ shop in Columbia City to purchase Spin Access cards with just cash. No smartphone or app needed.

We are also committed to supporting reduced-fare programs around the country. In Seattle, riders will just have to show a valid ORCA LIFT card when purchasing a Spin Access card, and we’ll extend the same level of discount (50%) to them.

Transportation companies have historically been slow to address transportation accessibility, and we our proud to be rewriting the script. Spin Access is our first step at tackling this issue, and we will never stop improving the program to further accessibility in transportation.

“At BikeWorks, we view the bicycle as a vehicle for change to empower youth and build resilient communities.

Spin Access complements our mission, and we are thrilled to partner with Spin to provide the greater Seattle community with equitable access to their bikes.”

— Deb Salls, Executive Director, Bike Works Seattle

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Partner With Spin.

Spin is transforming cities and communities by offering accessible, affordable and sustainable forms of personal mobility.

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