
Next Up: Washington DC


We are excited to announce that Spin will be launching in Washington DC this September!

There couldn’t be a more perfect fit — our nation’s capital is consistently among the top biking cities in the country, has a track record of forward thinking transportation policies, and is a city that teaches all students how to ride a bike. We also admire the District’s ambitious sustainability and climate goals set out in the Sustainable DC plan — by complementing existing transportation options, we look to help the city achieve them.

Spin is closely collaborating with the District Department of Transportation and the community to work towards a successful launch. We also look forward to rolling out our transportation equity and accessibility program — Spin Access — that allows riders without smartphones and credit cards to ride our bikes.

By providing bikes to all neighborhoods in DC, we can’t wait to give residents a great new way to get around. Stay tuned!

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Spin is transforming cities and communities by offering accessible, affordable and sustainable forms of personal mobility.

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