
NEMA and Jasper are now home to Spin scooters

Spin scooter in front of NEMA

We’re announcing an exciting next phase in our scooter pilot in San Francisco. We’ve partnered with two of Crescent Heights’ luxury high-rise apartments, NEMA — located at 10th & Market — and Jasper — located at 1st & Harrison — to provide residents with Spin electric scooters as part of their amenities package. Starting today, Spin will bring charged scooters to NEMA daily for residents to use as they please, and starting tomorrow, May 1, there will be charged scooters for residents at Jasper. The partnership with Jasper is an exclusive deal with Spin being the only company providing scooter-share on-site.

Crescent Heights is the nation’s leading urban real estate firm and is known for pioneering the creation and implementation of leading-edge product and service innovations, including its world-class amenities. With such an esteemed reputation, we’re excited to work with Crescent Heights and provide the residents of NEMA and Jasper with an alternative transportation option to get around their SOMA neighborhood.

To use the scooters, residents need to download the Spin app, and load a credit card or link their Apple Pay. When they’re ready to take a Spin, unlock the scooter by scanning the QR code with the app. When they’re done, the scooter locks by tapping “lock” on the app. It costs $1 to unlock a scooter and $0.15 per minute to ride.

All riders must abide by state laws, which includes:

  • having a valid driver’s license
  • wearing a helmet while riding
  • riding in bike lanes or on roadways
  • parking responsibly: on wide sidewalks in the furniture zone closer to the curb; do not block sidewalks, wheelchair ramps, bus stops, and landscaped areas

The scooters are located in each building’s respective garage in designated parking zones. The parking areas have on-site chargers to ensure scooters are fully charged for residents. The Spin support and operations team will be responsible for handling any maintenance and repairs for the scooters.

This partnership comes during Spin’s successful pilot program in San Francisco. Since beginning our pilot in mid-March, Spin has seen a tremendous response to scooters, with rides averaging 1.4 miles and each scooter bringing in nearly $20 per day.

As the only San Francisco-based company offering scooter-share, this partnership is an important step in bringing e-scooters to the city permanently and helping to grow the infrastructure around scooters. In addition to working with local municipalities and community interest groups on permits and regulations, Spin will partner with private residents, such as those at NEMA and Jasper, and private businesses to provide additional transportation options that get more people out of cars, mitigating congestion and pollution in our city.

Whether commuting that last mile to work, running errands in the neighborhood, or meeting friends at a nearby coffee shop, Spin will get you there.

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Spin is transforming cities and communities by offering accessible, affordable and sustainable forms of personal mobility.

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