
Introducing the new Spin

Two Spin Scooters

“I was stopped by 2 people asking how to rent them”

“It’s like a Tesla”

“This **** is fun”

“Forget bikes. This is it.”

That’s right. Ever since we start piloting the new Spin scooters around the country, we have been getting rave reviews.

Riders simply love Spin.

We have partnered with the best manufacturers in the world, who have spent over a decade developing electric mobility devices, to make sure we have the best possible riding machine.

The result? Our scooters quickly become their top choice of transportation. Many rate our scooters as being one of the best in the field, and the most fun to ride.

Our riders average 1.4 miles per trip, and we see a great mix of commuters and leisure riders. All this results in the each Spin scooter providing $13 worth of rides a day.

What’s next?

By the end of summer, we plan to roll out our scooters to over 60 markets, through our fantastic relationships with city governments.

At Spin, we see cities as our closest partners — we work local stakeholders on the best way to bring our mobility platform to their communities. And we have figured out how to build such productive government relationships at scale. Spin is currently in 50 markets, and we are growing our presence by the week.

So keep an eye out for Spin — we’ll be there shortly.

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Partner With Spin.

Spin is transforming cities and communities by offering accessible, affordable and sustainable forms of personal mobility.

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