
Introducing The Dockless Horse

Euwyn Poon president and co-founder of Spin with a horse

In 2017, Spin launched the first stationless mobility system in America with our orange bicycles. Last year, we rolled out electric scooters you can rent via our mobile app simply by scanning a QR code. Last month, we announced our initiative to expand into 100 cities and college campuses by the end of 2019.

Today, we continue our expansion by introducing the latest addition to our fleet: The Dockless Horse.

The horse has been a faithful human companion for over five thousand years, and here at Spin, we are proud to announce our new companionship with it.

The horse is all natural, so while we at Spin are always concerned with our carbon footprint, the waste that a horse does produce provides valuable nutrients to the soil.

Utilizing the same technology we use to locate and operate scooters, we allow our users the same convenience in finding and unlocking a Spin steed.

While other modes of transportation may have horsepower, but none have the power (and majesty) of a horse.

Happy April Fools! 🤠

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Spin is transforming cities and communities by offering accessible, affordable and sustainable forms of personal mobility.

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