
Introducing Spin Safe Digital

Introducing Spin Safe Digital

At Spin, we are committed to ensuring all of our riders are informed of safe practices while operating our scooters. This involves in-app education slides riders see before they take their first trip, in-person events, and even outreach to the community through Spin Ambassadors, who help riders in the community with onboarding to our app and scooter demos.

The onset of COVID-19 has made it difficult and unsafe to hold in-person gatherings. With more people choosing micromobility as a safe, open-air form of transportation, we feel it’s important to adapt our rider education to address this ‘new normal.’

That’s why we are offering Spin Safe Digital a new online learning resource that teaches riders how to start and end a trip properly, parking techniques to ensure walkways are free of scooter clutter, and new updated safe riding practices during COVID-19.

In addition, we take riders on a tour of one of our warehouses to see a behind the scenes look at our COVID-19 Safety Protocols.

Spin Safe Digital is currently comprised of four different lessons that are available on our website.

After completing these lessons, riders are prompted to complete a safety quiz to ensure they gained the knowledge needed to ride safely in their communities. Riders who score 100 percent on the quiz will earn $5 in Spin credit. Anyone who takes the quiz, regardless of their score, is given the opportunity to order a free helmet, shipped directly to the rider’s home.

We believe this new tool will allow us to reach even more riders than before. Our Community Partnerships and Government Partnerships teams are working closely with local organizations and cities to customize training and outreach to our riders. Our plan is to share participation rates with cities and local leaders to help inform better transportation training in the future.

We look forward to sharing more and wish you a great and safe experience with Spin!

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Spin is transforming cities and communities by offering accessible, affordable and sustainable forms of personal mobility.

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