
Improving Transportation Equity in Grand Rapids, Michigan: Introducing Spin Community Pass

Man showing phone to two Spin scooter riders

Imagine cities where transportation is easily accessible and affordable for everyone. It’s this vision of equitable transportation that inspired us to create Spin Access, which gives free or discounted rides to those in need living in the communities we serve.

In partnership with the City of Grand Rapids, we’re pleased to announce the newest addition to the Spin Access program — Spin Community Pass. The Spin Community Pass pilot program, funded by the City of Grand Rapids, provides up to 650 passes to residents who face transportation barriers, such as limited income or lack of access to a credit card or smartphone. In the first 24 hours the program was available, 100 passes were claimed!

Each pass gives riders up to five 30-minute rides a day on any available Spin scooter at no cost to them. Participants can use their rides to get to work, go to the store, connect with public transit, or get some much-needed fresh air. Riders are also eligible to receive a free helmet to help make sure they get where they’re going safely.

“This program provides an opportunity to pilot ways to reduce transportation costs and provide City residents better access to mobility solutions,” said Kristin Bennett, City of Grand Rapids Transportation Engineering Project Manager. “We are pleased to partner with Spin and the community partners on these priorities in the City’s Strategic Plan.”

To help distribute the passes, the City of Grand Rapids is partnering with the Greater Grand Rapids NAACP, West Michigan Works, Baxter Community Center, Grand Rapids Urban League, and Hispanic Center of Western Michigan. Grand Rapids residents served by these organizations should contact their program manager to learn more or sign up. Additional information is also available on the City of Grand Rapids Shared Mobility page.

Riders not living in the Grand Rapids area, or who are not eligible for the Spin Community Pass pilot program, may qualify for our Spin Access discount rides program. Spin Access is currently available in the United States, U.K., and Canada.

Spin Community Pass has given us an exciting new way to work with our city and community partners in Grand Rapids to deliver subsidized transportation options to the residents who need it most. In the future, we plan to offer Spin Community Pass in partnership with cities around the world to give riders everywhere the freedom to move.

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Spin is transforming cities and communities by offering accessible, affordable and sustainable forms of personal mobility.

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