
A New Look, For a New Era of Mobility

Girl on scooter

Spin Introduces a Fresh Look to Accompany its Third-Edition Scooter

In 2016, Euwyn Poon, who would eventually become Spin’s President and co-founder, spent a few months in China. It was during this stay that Euwyn first encountered dockless transportation, in the form of numerous bike share programs that were popping up throughout Beijing. “I remember being enamored,” he says now, reflecting on that seminal moment. “I loved the freedom that this technology afforded everyday citizens. I mean, people were zipping around on these bikes everywhere you turned, and it all just felt so exciting to me.”

Everything that has transpired with Spin — from our early days operating out of a one-bedroom apartment in San Francisco, to being acquired by Ford Motor Company, in November of 2018, to our current state of offering electric scooters in over forty-five cities and campuses, nationwide — stems from that initial moment of inspiration.

Following the trip, Euwyn pitched the idea of bringing micro-mobility to the US, to his friends, and soon to be cofounders, Derrick Ko, and Zaizhuang Cheng. Together they decided that they would form Spin and work towards making American cities more people-friendly.

Three years later, we are a quickly growing company, clear about our vision of reimagining urban mobility and giving people the freedom to move. As Spin continues to evolve, we want our product and brand to match this evolution. “Having a brand that accurately captures who we are is very important to us,” Euwyn said, in a recent conversation. “When you look at our logo, receive an email from us, or hop on our scooters, we want the full scope of our identity and what we stand for to be communicated.”

Our New Look

Updated Spin Logo

Updated Spin App

New, Third-Edition Scooter

Coinciding with the release of our new look, we will be rolling out our latest electric scooter model, which will hit the streets starting in August. With this model, our customers will benefit from increased safety, security, and reliability. Designed to be a sturdier product and provide a safer, smoother, and more comfortable experience, the third-edition Spin scooter features:

  • Larger frame, strengthened mechanical structure, and a wider and longer platform
  • More intuitive and responsive bike-handle braking system
  • Bigger (10-inch) tubeless tires, which provides better shock absorption over rough terrain and conditions
  • Rear drive high efficiency for improved acceleration and uphill performance
  • Custom security screws exclusively developed and manufactured for Spin’s scooters to deter tampering and vandalism
  • Significantly extended battery life, enabling each scooter to ride up to 37.5 miles at full charge
  • Upgraded Spin authentication system that is uniquely associated with its modules

Whether talking about an individual, team, or business, it’s essential to know who you are and what you believe in. In this exciting time of smart mobility advancements, we at Spin see our role as responsibly and sustainably ushering in this new era of transportation and doing our part to contribute to a more evolved tomorrow — starting with the quality of our scooters and brand identity, and moving outwards from there.

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Spin is transforming cities and communities by offering accessible, affordable and sustainable forms of personal mobility.

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