
4 weeks, 4 launches, and more

Girl riding a bike

We are incredibly excited to share that Spin has launched the first dockless bikeshare program in New York and South Carolina, with usage hitting an industry leading 14 rides per bike per day. This comes on the heels of our Board of Advisors announcement.

Over the past four weeks, Spin landed at Rochester Institute of Technology, Furman University, Aurora, Colorado, and most recently, Charlotte. These are amazing communities for us, and we thank the administrators and city officials for their support and close collaboration in bringing Spin to their residents.

14 rides/bike/day

We are seeing incredible numbers with our recent launch at Rochester Institute of Technology — at over 14 rides per bike per day (RBD). That means for every bike we put on the ground, it is ridden 14 times on average. Rides per bike per day is a key metric in our industry, and as a comparison, the most utilized systems in the world sit at around 9 RBD.

Hitting this level of ridership, would certainly have not been possible without our amazing college and operations team led by Ben, Brooks, and Cam.

Spin in Spanish!

One of our most requested features has been to make Spin available in Spanish. To all our Spanish-speaking riders: just download our latest app, and you’ll be able to Spin in Spanish!

It’s an exciting time for us at Spin. With our latest launches in New York, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Colorado, we are on track to launch in more that one city per week for the rest of the year. Stay tuned!

Thanks to Zaizhuang Cheng.

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Spin is transforming cities and communities by offering accessible, affordable and sustainable forms of personal mobility.

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