
Teaming Up to Create A World of 15-minute Cities

A man riding a scooter while wearing a helmet in front of a mural that says, "Welcome Back D.C."

Whichever city you call home, essential services should be easily accessible by a 15-minute walk, bike ride, transit ride, or e-scooter trip. Our mission at Spin is to help create a world of 15-minute cities. Empowering people to reach essential destinations, like their homes, workplaces, public transit, grocery stores, restaurants and entertainment venues, medical providers, and parks in 15 minutes or less not only helps improve quality of life, it’s essential to combating the root causes of climate change by getting people out of cars and onto more sustainable modes of transportation.

While achieving a world of 15-minute cities is core to our mission, we also know it takes teamwork! We’re proud to work alongside government and community partners, nonprofits, local businesses, city planners, transit authorities, technology providers, influencers, and changemakers across the globe to bring this mission to life.

Drafting a Pro

We recently enlisted professional basketball shooting coach Chris Matthews, aka Lethal Shooter, to spread the word about 15-minute cities on social media. Born and raised in Washington, D.C., Matthews began his career playing international professional basketball, going on to train NBA, WNBA, and aspiring players of all ages. Through his Instagram account, boasting nearly 2 million followers, Matthews is telling the world about our mission and showing the convenience of getting to his essential D.C. destinations in 15 minutes or less on a Spin.

"I was born and raised in D.C., a place where dependable, convenient transportation options haven't always existed for everyone.” said Matthews. “I partnered with Spin because I want people to know that there are affordable and reliable options to get you to where you need to be. If you don’t live near a Metro station or bus stop, Spin is there as your last-mile transportation option to get you to public transportation worry free.”

Chris Matthews' 15-minute Spins

Scouting New Talent

You don’t have to be a professional athlete or famous influencer to help achieve a more accessible world. Our Park(ing) Day grants program recently challenged people around the globe to transform parking spaces into parklets where community members could gather and enjoy their cities. The Spin Build a Better Barrier Challenge tapped urban visionaries to develop new concepts to increase bike lane safety—and then brought the winning concept to life!

Strategic Partnerships

Through programs like Spin Access and Move PGH, we work with local governments, community organizations, nonprofits, local businesses, and transit authorities to improve urban accessibility and mobility equity. As a Move PGH partner, we’re excited to be a part of the first-ever Universal Basic Mobility pilot program in Pittsburgh.

Teaming up for a Sustainable Future

A sustainable, more livable future is essential to the vision of 15-minute cities. Spin is a carbon neutral company and joins more than 200 organizations and companies as a signatory of the Climate Pledge. Our e-bikes and scooters are powered by 100 percent renewable electricity, and we’re committed to achieving net negative emissions by 2025. As part of that commitment, we recently launched our first all-electric operations fleet in Miami and will continue transitioning to 100 percent plug-in hybrid and battery electric vehicles in all the cities we serve.

Find out more about our sustainability initiatives at To learn more about Chris Matthews’ 15-minute Spins, check out his 15-minute city tour.

Partner With Spin.

Spin is transforming cities and communities by offering accessible, affordable and sustainable forms of personal mobility.

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