
E-scooter Benefits Lead to Better Mental Health And Wellbeing for Riders, New Spin Ridership Study Finds

Two people riding Spin scooters.
Nearly 70 percent of Riders Said That Riding An E-Scooter Helped Them Feel Less Stressed Than Before Their Trip

SAN FRANCISCO, December 8, 2021 -- Using a vehicle that reduces greenhouse emissions, shortens commute times, and provides fresh air adds up to happiness for shared e-scooter riders according to a new ridership study from Spin, the micromobility unit of Ford Motor Company. Included in the study is a survey of more than 1,700 riders in the U.S. and U.K., which clearly showed that the utility of e-scooters equates to mental health benefits for riders.

This study was conducted with the goal of addressing the important question of how micromobility affects the happiness, mental health, and overall wellbeing of those who use it. We hope this first-of-its-kind research will encourage other micromobility providers, city partners, and researchers to help build on this idea.

A key finding from the study comes from a survey of riders. The survey found that nearly 70 percent of respondents cited benefits that range from feeling good about using sustainable transportation to having a convenient way to connect with friends to enjoying the feeling of riding a scooter. Almost three in four said riding a shared e-scooter helped them feel less stressed than before their trip.

The survey also showed that the practical benefits of micromobility are directly linked to the positive impact on riders’ wellbeing. Nearly 90 percent of riders listed “saving time” as either an important or very important benefit of shared e-scooters.

“I talk to people all the time who are riding and parking scooters in Pittsburgh, and even though there are a few loud critics on social media, I’ve heard such enthusiastic support and appreciation from everyone I’ve met. People repeatedly tell me they are fun, in addition to being convenient. I have long been interested in making transportation fun, in part because it makes people more likely to use it again even if they have other options. Personally, knowing that scooters are an option I can rely on and find easily at any time has been a massive stress relief. And that is a sentiment I’ve heard echoed by many people in this city,” said Lolly Walsh, Move PGH Program Director, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.

“We believe that the future of urban mobility is multimodal. We strive to work with our partners in city government, the nonprofit space and in the community to make sure that we provide a service that makes life better,” said Ben Bear, Spin CEO. “There is a lot of quality research around the impact on walking, biking, and using transit on people’s wellbeing, but shared e-scooters, being relatively new in the transportation landscape, haven’t been included in this research.”

Other key survey results from our respondents include:

  • 90 percent feel good about using an environmentally-friendly mode of transportation
  • 63 percent said that access to shared e-scooters allows them to make personal connections and socialize with friends and family
  • Nearly 70 percent use shared e-scooters to get to ​​the gym, fitness classes, or hiking trails.
  • 70 percent feel energetic after their e-scooter trip
  • 78 percent feel relaxed while riding an e-scooter share 
  • 75 percent feel mindful while riding a shared e-scooter, since it requires them to focus on their immediate surroundings

​​Download the full report here. For Twitter-ready images, click here and for Instagram-ready images, click here.

Survey Methodology

The findings are based on 1,774 responses from Spin riders (996 in the UK and 774 in the U.S.).  Data was collected in August 2021 in the UK and in October 2021 in the US. Frequent riders are defined as riders who have taken two or more trips since January 2021.

About Spin

Spin is the micromobility unit of Ford Motor Company. The company operates electric bikes and scooters on North American and European cities and campuses. Spin launched the first-ever stationless bike share program in the United States and was instrumental in crafting the world’s first mobility permitting system that is now used around the world. Spin consists of a diverse team of experienced professionals from government and private sectors, and the transportation advocacy world, all of whom are committed to fulfilling the company’s mission - to help create a world full of 15 minute cities.

Partner With Spin.

Spin is transforming cities and communities by offering accessible, affordable and sustainable forms of personal mobility.

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